Hey there, savvy website owner!

You've got a fantastic product or service, a killer brand, and a website to match. But there's just one problem: your homepage isn't doing its job. Visitors come and go without clicking further, your bounce rate is higher than a kangaroo on a trampoline, and let's not even talk about conversions. Sound familiar?  

Don't worry, you're not alone.

And that's exactly why we created the Home Page Happiness course.

Why Your Home Page Matters

When your homepage is cobbled together or dysfunctional, a few things can happen: 

  •  Lost Traffic: People who land on your homepage will likely bounce off quicker than a rubber ball on a trampoline. That's lost engagement and, potentially, lost sales.  
  • SEO Impact: Search engines take user experience seriously. If your homepage isn't working, it could affect your search rankings, making it harder for people to find you in the first place.  
  • Damaged Reputation: First impressions count. A non-functioning homepage can make your business look unprofessional, which might deter visitors from returning—even when things are back to normal.  
  • Reduced Conversions: Your homepage often serves as a funnel to other parts of your site, like product pages or contact forms. If it's not working, you're missing out on guiding visitors through that journey. 
  •   Frustration All Around: For you, because you're missing out on business, and for your visitors, because they can't access the information or services they're after.   
  • If your homepage is acting up, it's a priority to get it sorted

Here's the thing...

Most home pages are an after thought for the business owner.  You're not the only one with a home page that's not working.  There's so much going on with the website build, they just don't know what to put there, or, they use placeholder content but never change it.


So, why exactly is the homepage such a big deal? Let's break it down:

First Impressions: As soon as someone lands on your homepage, they're forming opinions. Is this site trustworthy? Does it look professional? A well-designed homepage can make visitors feel welcome and intrigued to explore more

Navigation Central: Your homepage is like the control centre for your website. It guides visitors to where they want to go, whether that's learning more about your services, checking out your products, or finding your contact details. 

SEO Sweet Spot: A well-optimised homepage can do wonders for your search engine rankings. It's often the most authoritative page on your site, meaning search engines pay a lot of attention to it. 

There's more...

Branding Showcase: Your homepage is the perfect place to let your brand shine. From your logo and colour scheme to your mission statement and imagery, it's where you can encapsulate what your brand is all about.

Conversion Starter: A good homepage doesn't just look pretty; it also encourages action. Whether you want visitors to sign up for a newsletter, make a purchase, or fill out a contact form, your homepage can guide them towards that goal.

Credibility Builder: Testimonials, reviews, and 'As Seen In' badges? Your homepage is where you can flaunt these trust signals. They help reassure visitors that they're in good hands.

 Quick Info: Sometimes, visitors just want to find some quick info, like your opening hours or location. A well-structured homepage makes this information easily accessible.

Your homepage is more than just a digital welcome mat; it's a multitasking marvel that can make or break your online success. 

No pressure, eh? But don't worry—with the right focus and resources, you can make your homepage a happy place for everyone who visits

Business Mastery and Magic is a mastermind group that will give you the strategy, mindset work, accountability, and community you need. Together we will develop strategies for your business, set goals for exponential growth, bust through your mindset holdbacks, and grow your audience to explode your sales.

What's Inside Home Page Happiness Course?

This is a quick summary of the bite-size video training in the Home Page Happiness Course

Module 1: Anatomy of a home page

After the introduction video, and the tools that help you make an impact, we jump straight in with get the anatomy of the Home Page right. Without this, your home page is doomed to get no traffic

Module 2: Content is King

Here in Module 2 you'll determine who you wish to attract to your website and what content you'll need to create the perfect home page!

Module 3: Overcoming  the keyword conundrum

In this module you'll discover the secrets of the perfect keyword for your home page. Most people miss this essential step, so this could give you the boost you need! 

Module 4: Design Your Home Page

Here you'll take all you've created and put it into a template so you can see the fruits of your labour. You can then adjust it and give it to your web developer, or, transfer it to your own home page.

Module 5: Optimise Your Home Page

Now it's time to get your page found... And optimising your home page is easier than you think!

Here's What You'll Get When You Join Home Page Happiness Course

You'll find that this course is incredibly easy to follow, guiding you to elevate your homepage so your website shines in all the right places for all the right reasons!

Over-Our-Shoulder Videos

Watch as we show you how to create simple and impactful home page so you can market your business with ease


Prefer to read instead of watch? We include the transcripts so you can do that. 


Watch the training from your phone, whenever /wherever it's convenient to you. Just be safe!

Hi, I'm Sarah, your course instructor

Creator of the 30 Day Business Blogging Challenge, author of 10+ marketing books, and the person who won a 7 figure contract from a blog post. I know a thing or two about being websites and the positive impact that they have on your business! Oh, and another of my websites had 6 million page views a year. I suppose I should've led with that! But I don't do this alone... I work with my husband and business partner, Kevin Arrow.  Together we'll help you achieve home page happiness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Good question.

People buy things for many reasons. Sometimes they just want to learn one element, or they want the bonuses. If this is you, then it will work for you. Others want to learn from the content and boost their skillset. Most people find when they follow our courses/guides/cheatsheets they get their desired outcome at the end.

However, if you are the sort of person that buys something and never looks at it, then it will not work for you. As good as we are at delivering, incredible, actionable content we've yet to master downloading it directly into your brain.

If you are the sort of person that prefers 1-2-1 attention, most people find that booking that option is perfect for them and that a course like this will not fulfil that need.

This course is perfect for website owners who are struggling with low traffic to their homepage. If you're wondering whether you need a complete website redesign or just some tweaks to your homepage, this course will guide you through it all.

Nope! This course is designed to be beginner-friendly. We'll walk you through all the essentials, from the basics of homepage design to SEO best practices, in an easy-to-understand manner.

You'll learn everything you need to know to create a homepage that not only looks great but also drives traffic and conversions. Topics include layout, content, SEO, and much more. Plus, you'll get access to our exclusive Homepage Planner!

The course is self-paced, but most students complete it in about 4-6 hours. Remember, you'll have lifetime* access to the course material, so you can revisit it whenever you like.

No special software is required. All you need is a good internet connection and a device to access the course material.

 Simply click the "Enroll Now" button on our sales page. Once you've completed the payment, you'll receive immediate access to all the course material.


Upload your newly designed home page for detailed, personalised feedback! 

About Page Bonuses

When you're home page works, people start wanting to know who you are! We'll help you with that authority building about page!

Home Page Happiness


One-time investment for the lifetime of the course

  • Fully captioned video course complete with transcripts
  • Tools and resources so you can create your perfect home page
  • 30 days email & group support
  • Opportunities for personalised feedback
  • A home page that works!

What Our Happy Clients Are Saying

Don't just take our word for it... Here's what some of our happy customers and clients say about our training! 

I consider myself a pretty savvy business owner, but I can get in my own way from time to time. One session with Sarah and I’m back on track with more clarity and focus than before. Sarah doesn’t do gobbley gook speak, she spoke like a real human, and understood my challenges, even when I didn’t, and she went above and beyond to help me. I couldn’t recommend anyone more, book a call and see for yourself, she’s brilliant!

Alice Miriam

Kevin helped me get on the right track providing so much value in the short time we met. After putting the pieces in to place, it was time to meet again. This time my business was on a new path and Kevin was able to steer in the right direction making full use of my platform and marketing tools, ensuring I continue to provide immense value for my customers and anyone else who interacts with my business. Can’t wait to see the results of our latest action plan! We will definitely be catching up again soon! Thanks

Darren Quinn

Kevin Arrow is a gifted online course expert. He masterfully guided me to explore new possibilities in the domain of course creation. His wisdom runs deep. His commitment to quality outcomes is of the highest order. Each question I posed to him was met with well-articulated answers. Kevin effortlessly demonstrates that not only is he a subject matter expert, but he has a unique gift for transferring his knowledge to others in a way that is motivating and inspires immediate implementation. I recommend Kevin without reservation for online course development trainings and consultations, as well as launch consultations.

Ozioma Egwuonwu